By : Thomas Hamilton
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the steps to download, Install and Configure SOAP UI (Open Source Version).
Following is the software and hardware requirement for the various platforms.
In this tutorial, installation is done on a Windows Environment. The process remains the same for other OS.
Here is the roadmap for the installation process
Part A: Downloading
- Navigate to
- Scroll down and choose the downloader based on your operating system. In this tutorial, we will install SOAP UI on a 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system.
- Upon clicking download, the user is automatically forwarded to and the installer download starts automatically.
Part B: Installing
Step 1: After downloading, execute the file as ‘Administrator’ as shown below
Step 2: In the setup wizard, click ‘Next’ to continue.
Step 3: Choose the installation directory or leave the default installation directory as-is.
Step 4: Choose the components that you wish to install.
- SOAP UI is checked by default and NOT user configurable.
- Source – Enable, if you would like to get access to the source code of SOAP-UI. We have not selected it.
- Hermes JS – Enable, if the application requires JMS testing.
- Tutorial – Enable, if you want to access SOAP-UI tutorials Post installation.
Step 5: Accept the license agreement and click ‘Next’ to continue.
Step 6: Choose the folder location for tutorials or else leave the default location as is and click ‘Next’.
Step 7: Choose the start menu folder location or else leave the default location as is and click ‘Next’.
Step 8: Enable the checkbox ‘create a desktop icon’ and click ‘Next’.
Step 9: The Installation starts and upon completing the same, the wizard shows the below status. Click ‘Finish’.
Step 10: Upon clicking the ‘Finish’ button, SOAP UI is launched.
- Menu Bar
- Quick access toolbar
- Project Navigation Area
- Workspace Properties
- Log area
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Part C: Configuring
Let us first understand the project structure in SOAP UI.
- First step in SOAP UI is to create a workspace. There can be several projects associated with a workspace. Users can create more than one workspace. In SOAP UI Pro version, we can seamlessly switch environments to map it to different end points.
- For Each project, we can create several test suites.
- For Each Test Suite, there can be several test cases attached to it.
- For Each Test Case, there can be several test steps associated with it.
Below is the pictorial representation of a workspace structure in SOAP-UI.
Step 1: First step is to create a workspace. Create a workspace as shown below. All the artefacts that we are going to create from now on would be contained in this workspace.
Step 2: Enter a name for the workspace and click ‘OK.’
Step 3: Now the user has to select the path where this workspace has to be saved.
- Select the path where the workspace has to be saved
- The name of the workspace XML, which has to be located when the user wants to open the workspace in the future.
- Click ‘Save’.
Step 4: The workspace is created as shown below. We can also access the workspace properties under ‘Workspace Properties’ Tab.
Now we have successfully configured SOAP-UI after downloading and installing such that we can continue to perform testing.
Basic GUI Navigation
- Understanding the most frequently used navigations within SOAP-UI is very important for seamless navigation while working on real-time projects. Let us take a look at the file menu first.
- ‘New SOAP Project’ allows user to create a Project by importing SOAP Request.
- ‘New REST Project’ allows user to create a Project by importing REST Request.
- ‘Import Project’ allows user to import the entire project by locating the corresponding XML.
- ‘Save All Projects’ allows user to save all the opened projects in a single click.
- ‘Close All Open Projects’ closes all the projects opened in that workspace.
- ‘Rename Workspace’ allows user to rename the previously created workspace.
- ‘Switch Workspace’ allows user to switch between workspaces.
- ‘Preferences’ allows user to customize SOAP UI. We will deal with it in next section.
- ‘Save Preferences’ allows user to save their customized settings. When SOAP UI opened for the next time, it uses the user saved preferences.
- Now, let us understand the ‘Preferences’ from the file menu. Upon Clicking ‘Preferences’ from ‘File’ Menu, the below dialog opens.
- We will go through the most frequently used ‘HTTP Settings’ in details.
- Denotes the HTTP Version to be used for request and response.
- ‘User-Agent Header’ allows user to can be predefined using this option. If not defined, it uses the default http client header.
- Allows user to specify the compression method. It can be either gzip or deflate or None.
- ‘If Checked’, allows compressed response from hosts.
- ‘If Checked’ disables decompression of the compressed responses.
- ‘If Checked’ closes HTTP connection for each SOAP Request.
- ‘If Checked’, allows user to specify authentication information for the outgoing requests.
- Allows user to restrict the maximum number of bytes to be read from a response. ZERO corresponds to unlimited size.
- Now, we will go through the most frequently used ‘WSDL Settings’ in details.
- Cache WSDLs Turns on and off caching of WSDL’s
- Generates example values in requests
- Allows users to always include optional elements in generated requests
- Response messages are printed in the response editor
- Allows user to specify a directory containing schema (.xsd) files while validating WSDL requests. Upon changing the contents of this directory SOAP UI requires a restart.
- For the purpose of preserving space, the minimum message size to be compressed in the SoapUI project file.
- Now, we will go through the most frequently used ‘UI Settings’ in details.
- Closes all projects while launching SOAP UI for better startup-time and consumes less memory.
- Displays description whenever available.
- Automatically saves all projects while exiting SOAP UI.
- Before saving, SOAP UI creates a backup of the project. If enabled, back up folder has to be mentioned.
- Displays and expands the log tabs upon starting SOAP UI.
- Displays the ‘start up page’ dialog upon starting SOAP UI.
- Upon disabling tool tip, disables tool tip when user hovers mouse over the options/buttons while navigation.
- Let us take a look at the important Help menu options.
- Shows the home page of the online help available at
- Allows registered users to post questions in forum and get online help from the community.
- Checks for the recent updates and installs if there it is available.
- Allows user to navigate to the home page of
- Displays the build and version information of the SOAP UI.
The upcoming tutorials will not only make you understand how to create test suite, test case, and test steps but also let you test SOAP requests and how to validate them.
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