Online and Mobile Banking - Air Academy Credit Union (2025)

Learn how to view single transactions, recurring transactions, deposited checks, and how to filter your transactions.

  • On the top menu bar click on Transfer & Payments, then click Online Activity.

  • At the top of the screen, you will see the following options:"Single Transaction" "Recurring Transactions," and "Deposited Checks".

Single Transaction

Underneath Single Transaction, you can view all activity on your account. Items displayed can include changes of address, check reorders, external transfers, funds transfer, and stop payments.

To find a specific transaction, use the search bar at the top of the screen.

Next to the search bar, there are four icons: favorites (heart icon), print (printer icon), export (downward arrow icon), and filter (funnel icon).

Favorites (heart icon)

  • Click the heart icon to access the favorites drop-down menu. Here you can create categories for your transactions.

  • On the right side of a transaction, click the check box. After selecting a transaction, click the favorites icon, then click the "+Save As New". Here you can add a nickname to the transaction to save it to your favorites.

  • After entering your desired category, you can click on another transaction. Click the favorites icon again, and at the bottom of the drop-down menu you will see the newly added category. You may add multiple categories.

Print (printer icon)

  • Use the printer icon to print your entire transaction history or click the check mark box to print a single transaction.

  • If you select more than one transaction, all transactions with a checkmark next to them will print.

Export (downward arrow icon)

  • Use the export button to download all your transaction history to a .csv file or, click the check mark box to download a single transaction.

  • If you select more than one transaction, all transactions with a checkmark next to them will be included in the .csv file for you to view and download.

Filter (funnel icon)

  • Use the filter icon to view transactions based on your preferences.

  • When you click the filter icon, you will see a menu with the following fields: Transaction Type, Status, Account, Created By, Start Date, End Date, Tracking ID, Min Amount, and Max Amount.

  • Complete the fields to narrow your search. You do not need to complete all the fields but must complete at least one to narrow your search results.

  • After selecting your filter parameters, clickApply.

  • You can adjust these as needed based on the transaction type you are searching for.

  • To go back, click the magnified glass. This will close the filter options.

Please Note:The print and download features are not available on mobile devices.

Recurring Transactions

Under Recurring Transactions, you can view recurring transactions set up on all your accounts.

On the right side, there are four icons: favorites (heart icon), print (printer icon), export (downward arrow icon), and filter (funnel icon).

Favorites (heart icon)

  • Click the heart icon to access the favorites drop-down menu. Here you can create categories for your transactions.

  • On the right side of transactions, click the check box. After selecting a transaction, click the favorites icon, then click the "+Save As New". Here you can add a nickname to the transaction to save it to your favorites.

  • After entering your desired category, you can click on another transaction. Click the favorites icon again, and at the bottom of the drop-down menu you will see the newly added category. You may add multiple categories.

Print (printer icon)

  • Use the printer icon to print your transactions.

  • Click on a specific transaction to view additional information about the transaction.

  • Additional details must display on the screen for them to print. If details are not visible on the screen, only the transaction line items will print.

Export (down arrow icon)

Use the download icon to download and view your transaction history in a .cvs file.

Filter (funnel icon)

  • Use the filter icon to provide parameters when searching your recurring transactions.

  • When you click the filter icon, you will see a menu with the following fields: Transaction Type, Status, Account, Created By, Start Date, End Date, Tracking ID, Min Amount, and Max Amount.

  • Complete the fields to narrow your search. You do not need to complete all the fields but must complete at least one to narrow your search results.

  • After selecting your filter parameters, clickApply.

  • You can adjust these as needed based on the transaction type you are searching for.

  • To go back, click the magnified glass. This will close the filter options.

Please Note:The print and download features are unavailable on mobile devices.

Deposited Checks

Use Deposited Checks to view details about checks deposited to your account.

On the right side, there are three icons: print (printer icon), download (downward arrow icon) and filter (funnel icon).

Print (printer icon)

  • Use the printer icon to print information about checks deposited into your account.

  • Click on a specific deposit to view additional information about the transaction. Additional details must display on the screen for them to print. If details are not visible on the screen, only the transaction line items will print.

Filter (three lines, largest to smallest)

Usethe filter icon to provide parameters when searching your deposited checks.

Transaction Type is prefilled and cannot be changed. Fill out the additional fields; Time Period, Min Amount, Max Amount, Created By, Status, Starting Check #, and Ending Check #. After completing these fields, clickApply.

To modify your search parameters, simply change the information in the fields and clickApplyagain.

Please Note:The print feature is unavailable on mobile devices.

Export (down arrow icon)

Use the download icon to download and view your deposit history in a .cvs file.

  • Tap theMenubutton in the lower right corner to open the menu bar.

  • Then tap Transfer & Payment, then select OnlineActivity.

  • At the top of the screen, you will see the following options:"Transactions" "Recurring," and "Checks".


Underneath Transaction, you can view all activity on your account. Items displayed can include changes of address, check reorders, external transfers, funds transfers, and stop payments.

To find a specific transaction, use the search bar at the top of the screen.

There are two icons: favorites (heart icon) and filter (funnel icon).

Favorites (heart icon)

  • Tap the heart icon to access the favorites drop-down menu. Here you can create categories for your transactions.

  • On the right side of a transaction, tap the check box. After selecting a transaction, tap the favorites icon, then tap "+Save As New". Here you can add a nickname to the transaction to save it to your favorites.

  • After entering your desired category, you can tap on another transaction. Click the favorites icon again, and at the bottom of the drop-down menu you will see the newly added category. You may add multiple categories.

Filter (funnel icon)

  • Use the filter icon to view transactions based on your preferences.

  • When you tap the filter icon, you will see a menu with the following fields: Transaction Type, Status, Account, Created By, Start Date, End Date, Tracking ID, Min Amount, and Max Amount.

  • Complete the fields to narrow your search. You do not need to complete all the fields but must complete at least one to narrow your search results.

  • After selecting your filter parameters, tapApply.

  • You can adjust these as needed based on the transaction type you are searching for.

  • To go back, tap the magnified glass. This will close the filter options.

Please Note:The print and download features are not available on mobile devices.


Under Recurring Transactions, you can view recurring transactions set up on all your accounts.

On the right side, there are two icons: favorites (heart icon) and filter (funnel icon).

Favorites (heart icon)

  • Tap the heart icon to access the favorites drop-down menu. Here you can create categories for your transactions.

  • Tap a transaction, then tap the favorites icon. The favorites drop-down menu will display, tap on "+Save As New" to add the highlight transaction to a favorite category. Here you can add a nickname to the transaction to save it to your favorites.

  • After entering your desired category, you can tap to highlight another transaction. Then tap the favorites icon, at the bottom of the drop-down menu you will see the newly added category. You may add multiple categories.

Filter (funnel icon)

  • Use the filter icon to provide parameters when searching your recurring transactions.

  • When you tap the filter icon, you will see a menu with the following fields: Transaction Type, Status, Account, Created By, Start Date, End Date, Tracking ID, Min Amount, and Max Amount.

  • Complete the fields to narrow your search. You do not need to complete all the fields but must complete at least one to narrow your search results.

  • After selecting your filter parameters, tapApply.

  • You can adjust these as needed based on the transaction type you are searching for.

  • To go back, tap the magnified glass. This will close the filter options.

Please Note:The print and download features are unavailable on mobile devices.

Deposited Checks

Use Deposited Checks to view details about checks deposited to your account.

There is one icon: filter (funnel icon).

Filter (funnel icon)

Usethe filter icon to provide parameters when searching your deposited checks.

Transaction Type is prefilled and cannot be changed. Fill out the additional fields; Time Period, Min Amount, Max Amount, Created By, Status, Starting Check #, and Ending Check #. After completing these fields, clickApply.

To modify your search parameters, simply change the information in the fields and tapApplyagain.

Please Note:The print feature is unavailable on mobile devices.

Online and Mobile Banking - Air Academy Credit Union (2025)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.